Guess what we are doing now?? Getting ready to move onto our last stop before going home and completing our Wales tour. We are heading to the Morris Leisure Site-- Poston Mill-- an affiliated site of the Caravan and Motorhome club, also accessible to none members. Being a member will give you an extra discount. The site is in Herefordshire, just over the Wales Border, check out their website for deals.
So much to see on our journey to Poston Mill----------a Dragon and so many sheep trying to step into our way
We have made it. A very good site, lot's of improvement made since this was taken over my Morris Leisure. Lots of full service pitches available.
Even a dogwash-------I am not impressed!!!! I thought I got away with it--- guess what? I didn't
Pub and Restaurant on site----------------------------Cheers
to finish the day off, lovely dog ice-cream for me
I can't believe it !!!!!, finally after so many weeks of travelling I met a new zoomie buddy----meet Tango, he just looks so handsome and he can run
He just picked up my chewy and start playing with it-----------------no chance he would give it up, I tried, so I decided to let him keep it! He doesn't know that I got another one in the caravan------------Lucky Me!!!!
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Love your friend and it is so important to make new friends special going on the dragon and all the greenery around the campsite
Tango had a fabulous first holiday meeting Willow and stealing all her treats! He enjoyed all the running and playing with his new friend hehe.